Holidays Love

V-Day or D-Day?

Every year there seems to be hateful comments about Valentine’s Day. Not just from single people who don’t have anyone to share it with but couples alike. From the singles, I’m sure you’ll see a post about how they hate this day & are going to sleep until it’s over. And from our couples out there, you will probably see a caption or post like “We don’t need a holiday for us to show each other how much we love each other,” along with a picture of the guy giving his girl flowers the day (or even weeks) BEFORE Valentine’s Day. Ok, we get it, that’s cute. But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong or stupid to celebrate, does it? So to the negative nancy’s of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to say this…

Do you celebrate your birthday?
Do you celebrate Christmas? Thanksgiving?
Why do we need a holiday dedicated to being thankful or one to celebrate the birth of our Savior?

Well, truth is, we probably don’t NEED those holidays, but they are great reminders to us to celebrate life, love, & happiness! Right? So if we have a holiday to remember that we were born, why can’t we be happy to have a holiday that REMINDS us to celebrate love? Yes, yes, I get it. You and your partner celebrate love everyday. That’s great, & I’m glad for you, but there are couples out there that may need that reminder. Or maybe they are working through some relationship problems & need a day off to celebrate each other. To the wife who doesn’t get flowers “just because,” it’s ok. That doesn’t mean your husband is terrible. And to the husband who gives his wife flowers every month, you’re a giver, & that is special for a wife to have, but why not ALSO celebrate Vday. I’m sure your wife would really love it, even if it’s not something out of the ordinary for your relationship.

And for all my singles out there… you may not have a partner right now, but instead of moping around on Valentine’s Day, why not show love to your friends or family. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to just be for lovers. I guarantee you know someone else who doesn’t have that special someone. Buy yourself some chocolates if you feel like it, there’s nothing wrong with that in my book. ;) It may be silly to hear all of this from someone who has a husband to celebrate with, but I’d like to say that there were many years where I didn’t have someone to go on a Vday date with… and that was ok. I still enjoyed it.

I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad. What I do hope is that this post encourages you to get rid of any negativity on this holiday. Let us be reminded to not only share love with our special someone but also those around us.

 Alby’s pink tail courtesy of her groomers ;)

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  1. I feel the same way!! Let’s celebrate!!

  2. Great post. I agree! :) Thanks Bethany!

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