Baby Family Griffin Health Infertility Life Miscarriage Pregnancy

Faithful God

Friends & family, I don’t even really know where to begin with today’s post. For starters, my husband & I have been leading youth camps for the past 2 1/2 weeks away from our home, & we have been busier than normal. We still have 1 1/2 more weeks of camps left here in Prescott until we move back home to Phoenix. Despite the busyness, I really wanted to make sure I took time today to post some updates on our journey & fill you in on life lately. But I feel like I first need to recap life from the past 3 years.

May 6, 2013, on my birthday, my husband & I had a talk about when we wanted to start a family. It may sound silly, but literally that day, on my 24th birthday, we both felt ready in our hearts to start “trying.” For me, it was honestly like a switch flipped in my mind that very day. Fast forward 1 year, I was in Missouri visiting my family during my birthday. I got back from my trip & my husband & I went out for a late birthday dinner. The last week in May of that year, we moved up to the campgrounds in Prescott, where we are right now, to get ready for our youth camps as we do every year. That first week we were up here I took a pregnancy test & saw my first positive!! It was just a little over a year from the day we started to the day we found out we were pregnant. Although that year honestly sucked while trying to get pregnant, seeing that positive pregnancy test made it all worth it. As you probably have read, we went in for our first ultrasound after camps at around 10 weeks only to find a 6 week baby & no heartbeat. I felt that God had abandoned me. I was angry with him for about a year & struggled with depression on & off in that same year. (read more about it here)

December 2014 I took another pregnancy test & saw a faint positive line. Later that day, I took another one & it was negative. I called my doctor, & he suggested to get my levels tested through a blood draw. The next day, I lost the baby.

February 2015 we were in Missouri again when I lost another baby while at my parent’s house.

November 2015 I took another test that turned positive! I had good hormone levels throughout the pregnancy & a healthy ultrasound at 7.5 weeks. At week 11, our 2nd ultrasound showed a 9 week baby without a heartbeat. (read more about it here)

There were a couple others in between that I have talked about before. The reason I wanted to have these dates in here is because of this next date…

May 6, 2016, on my birthday again, I took a pregnancy test. The test showed positive! A little bit later I got my hormone levels tested, & they were increasing at a very healthy rate. At around 6 weeks, we saw a little baby on the ultrasound screen & heard a healthy heartbeat. I got my levels tested again, & they were perfect. Around 8 1/2 weeks, we had another healthy ultrasound with a growing baby. And on June 14, 2016, just yesterday, we met with a perinatologist & saw an almost 10 week baby dancing around in my womb!! That’s right friends, we are pregnant!! I’m 10 weeks today, & we are feeling more peaceful & hopeful than ever before. This the furthest any of my babies have lived, & I feel in my heart, this is our miracle baby. You may be asking, “why are you telling us so early considering your past pregnancies?” That’s a great question, but I would like to ask, “why would we not tell everyone early considering our past?” I started this blog to take people on a journey, to encourage people, to challenge people, & with that, I am challenging myself in my faith. To announce this news is a huge step of faith for us. We believe for the best but obviously don’t know for certain what the future holds. But we know God holds our future. I believe He has good things ahead for us, this child being one of them.

Here’s a little video clip of baby McG dancing

Another reason I want you to celebrate with us & know this amazing news is because we (Griffin, baby McG, myself, & Alby) need your prayers. Even past the first trimester “danger zone” we need your prayers. I would ask that you pray for a full-term pregnancy with zero complications, for peace of mind for myself, & for a healthy delivery.

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  1. Mamie R says:

    So happy for you 3!! Will be praying earnestly!!

  2. Pam Conner says:

    That’s wonderful news!! Praying for all of you!!

  3. Mya Robertson says:

    Praying for you Bethany! SO happy for you and Griffin, what a gift!

  4. Kay says:

    Oh gosh I’m so so excited for you! I guess this means I change my daily prayer reminder for you from praying for a baby to praying for healthy pregnancy and delivery of that baby!!! Yay!! How awesome! Love you guys!!

  5. Praying for you and celebrating with you πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸŽ‰

  6. Kelley Oliver says:

    Congratulations on your miracle baby. I pray this one grows healthy and strong!

  7. Rita Whitehead says:

    Praise the Lord

  8. Paige Elliott says:

    I am praying for you! I read all the blogs you post. I can’t imagine feelings like you have had over the years. this is the one. Your miracle. I know it. Praying for you both and this sweet baby! Love from the Elliott’s

  9. Crystal Bustamante says:

    Bethany, this news brought me to tears of joy for you & Griffin! We will continue to pray for a healthy baby & healthy mom!

  10. Oh My Goodness!!! Praise the Lord. The joy I feel for you guys right now is unfathomable. I am so happy and excited for you. Know that Eric and I will be in constant prayer for you and this pregnancy. This little miracle is going to be so loved.

    I am overjoyed.

    Congratulations you guys. Sending hugs to you in Prescott.

  11. Melanie Walker says:

    I had a friend pray me through Emmy’s pregnancy as I had a total of three miscarriages before. I will pray for you all!!😘
    Love Melaie Walker

  12. Roxie says:

    Praying. So happy for you both. Congrats πŸŽ‰πŸ‘ΆπŸ»

  13. Tracy Porter says:

    Bethany (and Griffin), Torrey and I are praying fervently for all 3 of you!! So happy to hear such great news ☺. Thank you for being so courageous and sharing your life with all of us. I always look forward to reading your posts!

  14. Laura says:

    Believing for your miracle and praying with you both!! My heart is happy with you❀️

  15. sarah says:

    Praying with you! I know how it feels to wonder about sharing after a miscarriage, and we did the same stepping out in faith and sharing and it turned out wonderful! <3 you guys are so brave and awesome! God's got this

  16. Cindaaz says:

    Praying for your family! :)

  17. savanah says:

    Ahhhhhh this is so incredible! God is so good and his timing is always perfect!! Praying for a full term pregnancy and a healthy beautiful baby!!!!!! Congrats to you both, I am so very happy for you and thanks for sharing your story and giving me hope!! Xoxo

    1. Dawn Anna says:

      Thank you for sharing your journey. Now I will be praying for an awesome outcome.

  18. Marjorie Harris says:

    You know we are covering you in prayer and that precious little life growing inside of you! Faithful is our God.

  19. Stephanie Wedige says:

    Oh Bethany! I’m so happy with you guys!!! I will be praying over you and baby every day! Xoxoxoxo

  20. Lesa Sorteberg says:

    Praise the Lord!!! Praying for peace, excellent health and a joyful full-term pregnancy <3

  21. Sami says:

    Love your and Griffin’s dedication to the Lord through these hard times and your hearts for sharing your entire journey to encourage and share God’s faithfulness. Praying <3

  22. Bobbi Minko says:

    Yeah! Praise God! I am so excited for you guys Bethany! I am joining you in prayer and believing for a full-term healthy pregnancy and delivery.

  23. Danae says:

    I will commit to pray for you, hubby and BABY these next 30 weeks. I’ve miscarried twice so know first hand the fear that can grip you. Praying for peace and perfection as you grow your baby ❀️

  24. Tammy Hawkind says:

    So happy for you will continue to pray for you

  25. Norma Evans says:

    So happy for you. I am praying with you for you to have a healthy full term baby.

  26. Missi says:

    I am so overjoyed and excited for you Bethany!!! I was hoping that this would be the news when I read your post. Praise God!!! Will be praying for you these next few months. For a healthy baby and mama, for continued joy and peace, that God would continue to increase your faith, and use you as a source of encouragement and inspiration for others.

  27. Susan says:

    Bethany, I am so happy and excited for you, we will keep you and that precious little one in our prayers! God is faithful

  28. Cortney Derton says:

    Praise God!!! So thrilled for you!!! Praying peace and health over you, Griffin and your precious baby!!! Congratulations!!! I’ve had 2 miscarriages similar to your experiences, but also, by God’s Grace have 3 precious and perfect children in my arms. You will be fabulous parents and we are so excited for you!!!!

  29. Shari Casteel says:

    I’m sooo excited and will be praying:)

  30. We’re head over heels excited for you and Griffin!!!!! Praise God, we are praying for a healthy baby and 40 full weeks of healthy pregnancy!

  31. Gina Hernandez says:

    PTL! Bethany I am praying for you.

  32. This is amazing news! My heart skipped a beat watching the video of the ultrasound! God is so good! Praying for you, Bethany :)

  33. CW Stahl says:

    Wow!! Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you guys! Praying for you guys.

  34. Racheal says:

    Praise the Lord! Praying with you!

  35. Carol Meyer says:

    God is Faithful, Praying for the 3 of you.

  36. Jennifer Walters says:

    Yay! We are praying for you from Asia. :)

  37. Bekah says:


  38. Peggy Inverso says:

    That is so exciting! We will continue to lift all of you in pray….healthy pregnancy….healthy delivery….healthy baby….faith replace any fears! Thank you for having the courage to share! This is an amazing blog and I hope you will continue to write and post even after healthy Baby McG is born!

  39. Christin T says:

    SO HAPPY FOR YOU 2!! I will be praying continually, for a perfect baby!

  40. Blessings and protection for you and the baby. God’s anointed one.

  41. Darla says:

    So happy for you both! Don’t over do at camp! So excited to meet baby McG!

  42. James McGrath says:

    so happy for your good news Believing in GOD has truly blessed you

  43. Bethany, we are so happy & excited for you! I know this is a scary and difficult time as well as an exciting one, and we are united with you in prayers for your little one and for you as a couple! Love you tons!

  44. Sherry Watson says:

    Praying for you and this sweet little one and declaring with you and believing the REPORT of THE LORD! That all is WELL. We serve the life giver and are agreeing with you for life & life abundantly as this little one grows & matures!

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