Family Griffin Health Infertility Love Miscarriage

Getting There: Part 2

In my previous post, I left off at wanting to switch doctors. This was around the beginning of December 2014 after we just lost our 2nd baby. Our previous doctor didn’t want to see me until I had 3 consecutive miscarriages, so we decided to switch. My mom reminded me of a doctor in Missouri who she had heard of from a friend. I wanted to get in to see this doctor, but I had to wait until I visited Missouri again, & we were trying to figure out where we wanted to put our money. The tests & doctor appointments get really expensive, so we try to always pray about where to spend our money. Fast forward to the end of January 2015 when my husband & I were in Missouri for a conference. We stayed with my family for a few days before the conference to spend time with them. I ended up starting my cycle for the first time since the miscarriage in December. I thought it had been a while for me to start, but I never took a pregnancy test. I later found out it was another miscarriage. The DAY AFTER I lost that baby was my doctor appointment. I mean, that’s not coincidence, that’s God! I went in to see this doctor & was very thankful I did. Although I just had my 3rd consecutive miscarriage, she told me “one miscarriage is one too many.” Exactly my thoughts. She took some blood for multiple tests as well as sent me home with a saliva test for other answers.

This Springfield doctor found that I have a genetic mutation called the MTHFR mutation. This mutation is very common, but it can cause a large range of health problems including infertility and/or miscarriages. There is an easy fix for the miscarriages if they’re due to the mutation. I had to start taking one baby aspirin a day. Along with the aspirin, I was told to eat a gluten free diet to avoid any folic acid (because of the mutation, my body can’t convert folic acid into methylfolate for my body to absorb), as well as only eat foods or supplements that have folate instead of folic acid. The saliva test showed us that I have adrenal fatigue. Basically, I’m exhausted all the time because my cortisol levels are off. Many people suffer from adrenal fatigue & don’t even know it. It often hits us after a tragedy or really stressful time in our lives. I was on an iron supplement for the adrenal fatigue, but found through research that the type of B12 in the supplement is not good for the genetic mutation. Much like the folic acid vs. folate, if you have the mutation, you should only consume B12 in the methylcobalamin form instead of cyanocobalamin. I’m still fighting the fatigue, & trying to find something that works. I just started taking RAW Iron from Garden of Life a few days ago. We will wait to see if it helps. From the blood tests, I also had very low vitamin D levels, which is important for pregnancy, so I was on high levels of vitamin D every day. Progesterone was another pill I took every month after I ovulated. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that your body needs to carry a pregnancy. With all of these new changes, I thought we had found the answers, & I wouldn’t lose any more babies. In my heart of hearts, I believed that. Come June 2015 during our youth camps again, I was temperature charting my cycles. This way I knew exactly when I ovulated in order to take the progesterone at the right time, as well as knowing if I were pregnant or not. My charting proved to me that I was pregnant, even though I had no symptoms & kept getting negative pregnancy tests. My cycle came very late, & after talking to my doctor about it, she agreed it was another loss. It was then that I realized I had a previous miscarriage last year after our first when I thought it was just my cycle. Unfortunately, when you have that many, it becomes all too familiar.

Youth camp 2015 when I was pregnant with our 5th

So there we were, 5 miscarriages, lots of health bills, depressed & hopeless, yet still desiring to grow our family. We have both have adoption on our hearts, but just don’t feel it’s the right time. We have had countless people speak words from God over us & our family, tell us without a doubt they know we will have children, etc. We felt so lost, but we decided to keep trying & moving forward. Last November, we got another positive pregnancy test! I had been taking all my pills religiously & believed this baby would grow to full term. The nausea started, along with other symptoms. We had an ultrasound at around 7 weeks & heard our baby’s heartbeat. I bawled my eyes out! We prayed over this child along with others who knew. This was THE BEST Christmas gift we could ever ask for and best news we could give to our family! I continued to have symptoms, & we scheduled another ultrasound around 11 weeks, with plans of announcing right after. Our appointment was once again a disappointment. As you have probably read before, our baby passed at 9 weeks. I started miscarrying that night, but had to have a D&C later the next day because of complications. We decided to get this baby tested for chromosome abnormalities to see if we could get answers. That is where I will end today, & I’ll pick up next with the answers we received from those tests. Thanks so much for your support!

Tired & exhausted, but my 1st time at Disneyland & pregnant w/ my 6th

A very Merry Christmas indeed! Pics of my bump in December 2015

Pic right before my D&C in the hospital & our ultrasound at 9 weeks

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  1. Kelley Oliver says:

    Thank you for sharing your journey. I am happy to see you smiling in the hospital despite the circumstance. Keep pressing in!

  2. Alleah says:

    I stumbled upon your blog somewhat by accident. I used to attend James River and I have seen many of your posts on facebook. I was surprised to read that you have an MTHFR mutation as many people have no idea what that is. I struggled with severe depression and fatigue for quite a while. Through genetic testing I found out that I have the MTHFR A1298C genetic mutation along with a few other genetic mutations. Learning about it has been a process and I have good days and bad days. But ultimately God is good. Praying for you and your family. :)

  3. Irene Sanchez says:

    So sorry to hear about your dilemma and we are praying that an answer to this problem is found soon. When the time comes for a new baby in our district office, I’m sure the Lord will see fit to bless us with a McGrath baby. Meanwhile we are with you all the way! Blessings to you and your precious wife.

    Irene Sanchez

  4. Thank you for sharing.
    Continued prayers for you and hubby.
    I take Young Living Essential Oils daily pack called
    “Master Formula” and 2oz of Their “Ningxa Red ” as well as “Juice Plus+” capsules everyday.
    Best thing I have ever done.
    If you have a chance, investigate these products. I would recommend them.
    I wouldn’t go a day without these.
    Master Formula does not have folic acid it has
    bio-available nutrients, Ningxa Red is incredible, Juice Plus+, is whole food, bio-available as well. 2 different companies focused on our best health
    As a distributor it is a little more affordable.
    I will be at camp on June 8th.
    I can bring you samples.
    Talk to your doctor and investigate for yourself. Then let me know if you want samples.
    I would love to assist in any way possible.
    With great love for you and your hubby.
    May God’s love and peace be with you today and always,
    Love Patty Larson
    Surprise AZ

    1. Hey Patty, thank you. I actually was going to order Juice+ from a friend very soon. Which ones would you recommend we take out of the 3 capsule vitamins? Really appreciate you!

  5. Jasmine Miller says:

    Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable. I cried through this post and my heart breaks for you and Griffin. The pain you’ve been through is immense. You are definitely not alone. I’m looking forward to continuing to hear your story and you are on our list to pray for with our kids at bedtime. So far we’ve seen God answer prayers for 3 miracle babies, here’s hoping yours is next! Love you

    1. Thank you, Jasmine! That is so so sweet! Love you!

  6. david c torgeson says:

    You are fearfully & wonderfully made & by faith you will hold a fearfully & wonderfully made baby ! We are praying for you & you & Griffin have been sooooo kind to Kyle, & I have been praying for God to return your love & hospitality with loving & hosting your own baby ! Will do the ” happy dance ” with you & Griff when you holld your own baby ! Don’t be surprised if a orange colored gift come to you then, since orange is my favorite color !!!

    1. Thank you, Dave! We love you so much!!

  7. […] November 2015 I took another test that turned positive! I had good hormone levels throughout the pregnancy & a healthy ultrasound at 7.5 weeks. At week 11, our 2nd ultrasound showed a 9 week baby without a heartbeat. (read more about it here) […]

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