Bumpdate Life Pregnancy

16 Week Bumpdate

Here we are, 16 weeks! We are still in awe of our God! I am so thrilled to be sharing with you everything up to this 16 week mark! Although so many people keep telling me to “enjoy the process,” I’m having a really hard time being patient. I feel like these past 16 weeks have taken forever. You would think that with everything we have been through, that I would be more patient, but I think because we just want that sweet baby in our arms that we have tried so long for, I’m having a hard time waiting. I hope you all can understand that. I never want to come across as ungrateful, because we are soooo incredibly grateful for this gift of life!! There are so many things we have to look forward to, one of being a big baby belly! Who would’ve thought that any girl would WANT to be gaining weight?! haha Can anyone relate?

15 weeks 4 days

Anyway, I’ve decided to put together a few questions about this pregnancy (& answering for weeks 14-16) that I thought people may want to read, so let’s get started…

  • How much weight have you gained so far? About 3-4 lbs (could be more cause I have an appt in 2 days).
  • Have you had any cravings yet? Not really, but I’ve been a lot more picky about my food than I normally am, & I’m wanting more sweets now that I did in the 1st trimester.
  • What are your pregnancy symptoms? Mostly still tired, but it has gotten better. I’m a little more emotional than usual, but not crazy… yet ;) j/k. I had headaches for a while, but thankfully they haven’t come back, & I’ve been feeling pretty normal lately! I have found that if I have an empty stomach, I start to feel a bit nauseous, & I also get a little car sick, especially when traveling long distances. I have a little bit of acne on my face, but hopefully it stops there.
  • How has your sleep been? Ever since before I knew I was pregnant, I have had weird dreams. It was actually one of the first signs I had that made me think I was pregnant. I also wake up at least twice a night to either get a drink of water or go to the bathroom.
  • Do you miss anything? Most definitely raw sushi & runny eggs!
  • Will you find out the gender? EVERYONE keeps asking not only me & Griffin this question, but they ask my family members too! YES, we will find out the gender. They won’t do it until 20 weeks unless we want to pay out of pocket, so in about a month is when we will know. And YES, we will tell you! Griffin & I both think we are having a boy. :)
  • Have you bought any or started wearing any maternity clothes? Nope, I haven’t bought anything yet. Most of my jeans I use the rubberband method to button them, but I’ve been wearing flowy dresses lately.
  • What are you most looking forward to right now? Probably having a bigger baby bump & finding out the gender!
  • What are you most thankful for this week? Definitely my husband! Any time I have a worry (& I do a lot), I will tell him because he always encourages me & prays over me & our baby.

I would like to say a little something extra for today’s post. My older sister, Lindsay, who is my best friend, told me she was pregnant a few weeks before we told the family about our pregnancy. She was about 1 month ahead of me in her pregnancy, & this truly was the greatest news for me to hear because I have always dreamt of being pregnant with my sister (& this was a surprise baby for her because she & her husband were supposedly done having kids). She & her husband have 3 healthy kids, have never miscarried, & she even had a home birth with her last pregnancy. Sadly, she just recently lost her baby at around 18 weeks. Our whole family is very heartbroken over her losing her little girl, especially so far along. But I have to say that my sister has been amazing. She truly is one of the strongest people I know, & I’m so proud of how they are dealing with their loss. I’m also thankful for the amazing friends they have around them that have sent them meals, flowers, & encouraging texts. This has reminded me yet again just how precious life is, how common pregnancy loss is, & how, if you have ever lost a baby, it’s not your fault. I still don’t understand why God lets this happen so often, & seeing my sister go through this has brought back some of those questions I’ve had before. But yet still, God is good.

I also wanted to say a special something to anyone who is trying to conceive or still dealing with the loss of a baby. I understand how you feel. Maybe not exactly the way you feel, but I know similar feelings. I have been there before. Although you know my story & can be rejoicing with us for our baby, I still know it can hurt seeing posts or pictures on social media. Please know that I pray for you & think about you often. If we have ever talked about what you’re going through, I pray for you every time I see your name scroll down my Facebook feed. I hope you feel blessed & encouraged today!

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  1. Melanie Walker says:

    Whe I pray for “him” I have to correct myself bc you may be having a “her.”
    With that said I think it’s a boy too and so very happy you are doing well! 💕

    1. Well either way, he/she is thankful for your prayers. <3 Thank you!

  2. Jacqueline Bigwood says:

    Bethany you dont know me but my name is Jacque Bigwood. I go to FreshStart church and I have been following your blog for some time now.

    First of all, I wanted to say congrats! :) What an exciting time for you guys!

    Also- I just really wanted to say thank you for openly sharing your story. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for almost 19 months and although our infertility journey hasnt been met with any miscarriages, I feel so encouraged by your story and wanted you to know that you, Griffin and your baby are in my prayers.

    God bless! :)

    1. Thank you so much! That means a lot.

  3. Celeste Austin says:

    We….those you have been called to share your life with are so blessed by your courage and strength. Your vulnerability is shining light into so many people’s dark journey. I know I longed to feel like I wasn’t alone when I WAS struggling through my miscarriages. So I know there are women being encouraged by you’re ministry sweet friend. Keep up the GOD work!:)

  4. Laurel says:

    Love your post Bethany. We have prayed faithfully for your little.

  5. Peggy Inverso says:

    Love your picture! We are so excited for you guys and Bruce and I pray for your family frequently! ❤️

  6. Anna says:

    I love how you share so honestly and openly. You have a beautiful heart, and I am enjoying reading about your journey!

  7. Marjorie Harris says:

    Aw, my sweet ‘Mommy to be’. . .I love reading about your journey. I love that your ‘baby bump’ is definitely visible and I’m with you, can’t wait until it’s out there far enough to greet people before you have a chance to say hello!!!!! Love you and covering you in prayer. So comforting to know that God, the Creator, is hovering over your baby in your womb, and He’s creating a masterpiece once again!!

  8. Ramie says:


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