Family Griffin Health Life Love

Hospital: Day Six

I have a bit of time to type, so I wanted to give a quick update with what’s been going on up through this point.

Friday. 9.27
Friday Griffin had a high fever, chills, headache, stiff neck, & achiness throughout his body. He was going to go to Prescott for Man Camp on Friday night as well as plans to go to one of our district kid’s events on Saturday. He decided to stay home for both as he was feeling pretty terrible. For those of you that know Griffin, he almost never misses anything. Sunday Griffin started to feel a bit better, but he was dizzy & fatigued. We thought he was getting better & it was just a bug he had.

Monday. 9.30
Monday he felt terrible but had to go to work for some meetings. He came home early that day feeling like he was going to pass out. He slept almost the rest of the night. Tuesday he worked from home, but was still running a fever. We took him to urgent care because his symptoms pointed toward meningitis, which would have been very bad news. They sent us to the ER right away. He got a spinal tap & blood drawn multiple times. The spinal tap came back clear meaning no meningitis. We got sent home that day, & the doctor said he just had a very bad virus but should start feeling better. His platelet count was low so he had us schedule an appointment with a blood doctor that Friday to check to make sure his platelets were going back up. He also said to look out for a rash, which would mean his platelets are dropping still.

Tuesday. 10.1
Tuesday night when we got back from the ER, I noticed a rash on Griffin’s legs, but they were not raised or itchy. I monitored his temperature every 2 hours that night, but right before going to bed he had a temperature of 103.7! The lowest his temperature was that whole night was 100.1 or so.

Wednesday. 10.2
I noticed that the rash was becoming more noticeable, so Griffin’s mom called her friend doctor back from Missouri. She urged us to go back the ER & get tested & start being treated for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. This usually comes from a tick bite, & we were in SC the week before where ticks are very prevalent. If you have RMSF symptoms (like he had) then you should be treated ASAP with an antibiotic. If you are not treated, you could die within two weeks of the bite! I was scared & Griffin was calm as ever. Griffin was supposed to/planning to be speaking at a youth group that night. He cancelled that afternoon & thankfully he did. This is the first time he has cancelled any speaking engagement I can remember. We got to the ER that night, waited a while, then they admitted us in the hospital & started Griffin on this antibiotic.


Since then…

Griffin has been taken off the antibiotic because his liver enzymes are way too high & keep rising
Griffin was taking pain meds for his migraine, but they stopped those last night to help his liver as well
He has unbearable pain behind his knees when he stands w/o moving – they did an ultrasound & found no blood clots – good news, but still not sure what the pain is from
He had a slight fever last night, but for the most part hasn’t had a fever since we arrived Wednesday night
They gave him new pain medication for his migraine which is helping a little bit
He has developed a little bit of pneumonia & a cough which has been painful all over when he coughs
He has probably been poked for blood around 25 times by now
They are testing for many viruses & sicknesses, some have come back negative, others are still pending
He has had a CT scan, two ultrasounds, MRI, & other things I can’t remember, most of which have come back clear
They will be taking a skin biopsy of his rash
He had a HIDA scan today on his gallbladder

We had our AZ youth leader conference this weekend which we obviously missed. We are so grateful for all of those around us who stepped up to the plate to make the conference happen! I am just so amazed & blessed by the people around us who are fighting for us in prayer. We haven’t even been here a year yet, & I feel like we are already surrounded by family. I am also very thankful that Griffin’s mom & stepdad have been here. They both have been in & out of the hospital every day.

This week has been a whirlwind of emotions for myself. I have been exhausted, worried, scared, etc, but I have found peace knowing that God is in control. Today I am confident knowing that he will get better. I feel a bit selfish for worrying about Griffin & not worrying about the souls of those around us… our nurses, doctors, friends on social media, etc. God does not want us to worry. What can we add to our lives by worrying? I have no doubt that Griffin will be ok. The hard part is seeing him in pain, but he is such a strong man & man of God! I am soooo thankful for him. If you read this, my prayer requests would be that Griffin would be completely healed very soon of all his head & leg pain! I don’t need answers for what’s going on, I just need him to be healed. Also, that through this time, we would be a light to those around us. Whether in the hospital or on social media, I want people to come to know Christ through this. I want people’s faith to grow. Please pray that when people walk in our hospital room, they sense peace, joy, comfort, & love that only come from Jesus! Please pray for peace for my family here & back in Missouri. Thanks again for your continued prayers & support! We are so blessed!!

Psalm 103.1-3
“Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases…”

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  1. Stacie Anderson says:

    Thanks Bethany for the update. Will continue to pray for healing:)

    1. Thank you Stacie!

  2. prayers are with you cousin….hope all goes well and Gods will is first and foremost

    1. Thank you for your prayers!!

  3. Mamie Roberts says:

    Griffin my last comment was to you…did you see it?

  4. Marjorie Harris says:

    Thank you, Bethany. Please know that this evening as we begin service, my husband will lead those attending the renewal in united prayer for Griffin’s healing. Believing God and trusting Him with both of you. We love you.

    1. Thank you Marjorie for praying with us & believing in us. We love you too!

  5. It is so encouraging to read of the strength and peace you both have! God is reaching others through the two of u! We will continue to pray without ceasing!

    1. Thank you Kirsten, you are so encouraging. Thank you for fighting in prayer with us!

  6. jim kotsaftis says:

    Poor Baby…I really feel for you.

    1. Thanks for the comment Jim. Praise God he is home & God is healing him.

  7. Praying for you brother and your family. Keep fighting.

    1. Thanks Shaun!

  8. Bette Jarvela says:

    Prayers for you Griffen. Think of you often and believe in Gods healing power for you.

    1. Thank you very much for praying for us!

  9. Shari and Rich Wood says:

    We are praying sweet girl! Love and hugs to you both !

    1. Thank you so much! Hugs to you guys as well. <3

  10. You dont know me but read yoour story through a frind. Praying for you both and for the Dr’s to have wisdom! Thank you for the reminder that worrying doesnt fix anything and God is always in control!!

    1. Thank you Bre for your prayers! You are so right, God IS in control. :)

  11. Patti Bridges says:

    I’m praying for you both!!!!

    1. Thank you Patti!

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